< script lang = "ts" >
import CaretSort from "svelte-radix/CaretSort.svelte" ;
import ChevronDown from "svelte-radix/ChevronDown.svelte" ;
import {
createTable ,
Subscribe ,
Render ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import {
addSortBy ,
addPagination ,
addTableFilter ,
addSelectedRows ,
} from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import Actions from "./data-table/data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
import * as DropdownMenu from "$lib/components/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
import { cn } from "$lib/utils" ;
import { Input } from "$lib/components/ui/input" ;
import DataTableCheckbox from "./data-table/data-table-checkbox.svelte" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "Pending" | "Processing" | "Success" | "Failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "Success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com"
id : "3u1reuv4" ,
amount : 242,
status : "Success" ,
email : "Abe45@gmail.com"
id : "derv1ws0" ,
amount : 837,
status : "Processing" ,
email : "Monserrat44@gmail.com"
id : "5kma53ae" ,
amount : 874,
status : "Success" ,
email : "Silas22@gmail.com"
id : "bhqecj4p" ,
amount : 721,
status : "Failed" ,
email : "carmella@hotmail.com"
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
sort : addSortBy ({ disableMultiSort : true }),
page : addPagination (),
filter : addTableFilter ({
fn : ({ filterValue , value }) => value . includes ( filterValue )
select : addSelectedRows (),
hide : addHiddenColumns ()
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
header : ( _ , { pluginStates }) => {
const { allPageRowsSelected } = pluginStates . select ;
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : allPageRowsSelected
accessor : "id" ,
cell : ({ row }, { pluginStates }) => {
const { getRowState } = pluginStates . select ;
const { isSelected } = getRowState ( row );
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : isSelected
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
filter : {
exclude : true
table . column ({
header : "Status" ,
accessor : "status" ,
plugins : { sort : { disable : true }, filter : { exclude : true } }
table . column ({
header : "Email" ,
accessor : "email" ,
cell : ({ value }) => value . toLowerCase (),
plugins : {
filter : {
getFilterValue ( value ) {
return value . toLowerCase ();
table . column ({
header : "Amount" ,
accessor : "amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD"
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
filter : {
exclude : true
table . column ({
header : "" ,
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
cell : ( item ) => {
return createRender ( Actions , { id : item . value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
const {
headerRows ,
pageRows ,
tableAttrs ,
tableBodyAttrs ,
flatColumns ,
pluginStates ,
} = table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { sortKeys } = pluginStates . sort ;
const { hiddenColumnIds } = pluginStates . hide ;
const ids = flatColumns . map (( c ) => c . id );
let hideForId = Object . fromEntries ( ids . map (( id ) => [ id , true]));
$ : $ hiddenColumnIds = Object . entries ( hideForId )
. filter (([, hide ]) => ! hide )
. map (([ id ]) => id );
const { hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage , pageIndex } = pluginStates . page ;
const { filterValue } = pluginStates . filter ;
const { selectedDataIds } = pluginStates . select ;
const hideableCols = [ "status" , "email" , "amount" ];
</ script >
< div class = "w-full" >
< div class = "mb-4 flex items-center gap-4" >
< Input
class = "max-w-sm"
placeholder = "Filter emails..."
type = "text"
bind: value ={$ filterValue }
< DropdownMenu.Root >
< DropdownMenu.Trigger asChild let: builder >
< Button variant = "outline" class = "ml-auto" builders ={[ builder ]}>
Columns < ChevronDown class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4" />
</ Button >
</ DropdownMenu.Trigger >
< DropdownMenu.Content >
{#each flatColumns as col }
{#if hideableCols . includes ( col . id )}
< DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem bind: checked ={ hideForId [ col . id ]}>
{ col . header }
</ DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem >
</ DropdownMenu.Content >
</ DropdownMenu.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe
attrs ={ cell . attrs ()}
let: attrs
props ={ cell . props ()}
let: props
< Table.Head
{ ... attrs}
class ={ cn ( "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" )}
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "email" }
< Button variant = "ghost" on: click ={ props . sort . toggle }>
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
< CaretSort
class ={ cn (
$ sortKeys [0]?. id === cell . id && "text-foreground" ,
"ml-2 h-4 w-4"
</ Button >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
{#each $ pageRows as row ( row . id )}
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ row . attrs ()} let: rowAttrs >
< Table.Row
{ ... rowAttrs}
data-state ={$ selectedDataIds [ row . id ] && "selected" }
{#each row . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs >
< Table.Cell class = "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" { ... attrs} >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right font-medium" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Cell >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 py-4" >
< div class = "flex-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground" >
{ Object . keys ($ selectedDataIds ). length } of { " " }
{$ rows . length } row(s) selected.
</ div >
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex - 1)}
disabled ={!$ hasPreviousPage }> Previous </ Button
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
disabled ={!$ hasNextPage }
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex + 1)}> Next </ Button
</ div >
</ div >
Copy < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Subscribe ,
Render ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import {
addSortBy ,
addPagination ,
addTableFilter ,
addSelectedRows ,
} from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import Actions from "./data-table/data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
import * as DropdownMenu from "$lib/components/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
import { cn } from "$lib/utils" ;
import { Input } from "$lib/components/ui/input" ;
import DataTableCheckbox from "./data-table/data-table-checkbox.svelte" ;
import ArrowUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/arrow-up-down" ;
import ChevronDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/chevron-down" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "Pending" | "Processing" | "Success" | "Failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "Success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com"
id : "3u1reuv4" ,
amount : 242,
status : "Success" ,
email : "Abe45@gmail.com"
id : "derv1ws0" ,
amount : 837,
status : "Processing" ,
email : "Monserrat44@gmail.com"
id : "5kma53ae" ,
amount : 874,
status : "Success" ,
email : "Silas22@gmail.com"
id : "bhqecj4p" ,
amount : 721,
status : "Failed" ,
email : "carmella@hotmail.com"
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
sort : addSortBy ({ disableMultiSort : true }),
page : addPagination (),
filter : addTableFilter ({
fn : ({ filterValue , value }) => value . includes ( filterValue )
select : addSelectedRows (),
hide : addHiddenColumns ()
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
header : ( _ , { pluginStates }) => {
const { allPageRowsSelected } = pluginStates . select ;
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : allPageRowsSelected
accessor : "id" ,
cell : ({ row }, { pluginStates }) => {
const { getRowState } = pluginStates . select ;
const { isSelected } = getRowState ( row );
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : isSelected
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
filter : {
exclude : true
table . column ({
header : "Status" ,
accessor : "status" ,
plugins : { sort : { disable : true }, filter : { exclude : true } }
table . column ({
header : "Email" ,
accessor : "email" ,
cell : ({ value }) => value . toLowerCase (),
plugins : {
filter : {
getFilterValue ( value ) {
return value . toLowerCase ();
table . column ({
header : "Amount" ,
accessor : "amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD"
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
filter : {
exclude : true
table . column ({
header : "" ,
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
cell : ( item ) => {
return createRender ( Actions , { id : item . value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true
const {
headerRows ,
pageRows ,
tableAttrs ,
tableBodyAttrs ,
flatColumns ,
pluginStates ,
} = table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { sortKeys } = pluginStates . sort ;
const { hiddenColumnIds } = pluginStates . hide ;
const ids = flatColumns . map (( c ) => c . id );
let hideForId = Object . fromEntries ( ids . map (( id ) => [ id , true]));
$ : $ hiddenColumnIds = Object . entries ( hideForId )
. filter (([, hide ]) => ! hide )
. map (([ id ]) => id );
const { hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage , pageIndex } = pluginStates . page ;
const { filterValue } = pluginStates . filter ;
const { selectedDataIds } = pluginStates . select ;
const hideableCols = [ "status" , "email" , "amount" ];
</ script >
< div class = "w-full" >
< div class = "flex items-center py-4" >
< Input
class = "max-w-sm"
placeholder = "Filter emails..."
type = "text"
bind: value ={$ filterValue }
< DropdownMenu.Root >
< DropdownMenu.Trigger asChild let: builder >
< Button variant = "outline" class = "ml-auto" builders ={[ builder ]}>
Columns < ChevronDown class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4" />
</ Button >
</ DropdownMenu.Trigger >
< DropdownMenu.Content >
{#each flatColumns as col }
{#if hideableCols . includes ( col . id )}
< DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem bind: checked ={ hideForId [ col . id ]}>
{ col . header }
</ DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem >
</ DropdownMenu.Content >
</ DropdownMenu.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe
attrs ={ cell . attrs ()}
let: attrs
props ={ cell . props ()}
let: props
< Table.Head
{ ... attrs}
class ={ cn ( "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" )}
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right font-medium" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "email" }
< Button variant = "ghost" on: click ={ props . sort . toggle }>
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
< ArrowUpDown
class ={ cn (
$ sortKeys [0]?. id === cell . id && "text-foreground" ,
"ml-2 h-4 w-4"
</ Button >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
{#each $ pageRows as row ( row . id )}
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ row . attrs ()} let: rowAttrs >
< Table.Row
{ ... rowAttrs}
data-state ={$ selectedDataIds [ row . id ] && "selected" }
{#each row . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs >
< Table.Cell class = "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" { ... attrs} >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right font-medium" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "status" }
< div class = "capitalize" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Cell >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 py-4" >
< div class = "flex-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground" >
{ Object . keys ($ selectedDataIds ). length } of { " " }
{$ rows . length } row(s) selected.
</ div >
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex - 1)}
disabled ={!$ hasPreviousPage }> Previous </ Button
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
disabled ={!$ hasNextPage }
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex + 1)}> Next </ Button
</ div >
</ div >
Introduction Data tables are difficult to componentize because of the wide variety of features they support, and the uniqueness of every data set.
So instead of trying to create a one-size-fits-all solution, we've created a guide to help you build your own data tables.
We'll start with the basic <Table />
component, and work our way up to a fully-featured data table.
Tip: If you find yourself using the same table in multiple places, you can always extract it into a reusable component.
Table of Contents This guide will show you how to use Svelte Headless Table and the <Table />
component to build your own custom data table. We'll cover the following topics:
Basic Table Row Actions Pagination Sorting Filtering Visibility Row Selection Reusable Components Installation Add the <Table />
component to your project: npx shadcn-svelte@latest add table
Copy Add svelte-headless-table
as a dependency: npm install -D svelte-headless-table
Copy Prerequisites We're going to build a table to show recent payments. Here's what our data looks like:
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
export const payments : Payment [] = [
id : "728ed52f" ,
amount : 100,
status : "pending" ,
email : "m@example.com" ,
id : "489e1d42" ,
amount : 125,
status : "processing" ,
email : "example@gmail.com" ,
// ...
Copy Project Structure Start by creating a route where your data table will live (we'll call ours payments), along with the following files:
└── payments
├── data-table.svelte
├── data-table-actions.svelte
├── data-table-checkbox.svelte
└── +page.svelte
Copy data-table.svelte
will contain the <Table />
component all of our data table logic. data-table-actions.svelte
will contain the actions menu for each row. data-table-checkbox.svelte
will contain the checkbox for each row. +page.svelte
is where we'll render and access <DataTable />
component. Basic Table Let's start by building a basic table.
Get/Add Data Before we can initialize a table, we need to get our data. You can retrieve your data from anywhere, but for this example we'll use a payments
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
</ script >
Copy Initialize Table Next, we'll initialize a new table using svelte-headless-table
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import { createTable } from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ));
</ script >
Copy Create Columns Now that we have a table, we can define our columns.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import { createTable } from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ));
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
</ script >
Copy The last column is where we'll render a menu of actions for each row.
Create View Model & Render Table Finally, we'll create a view model which we'll use to build our table.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import { createTable , Render , Subscribe } from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ));
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
const { headerRows , pageRows , tableAttrs , tableBodyAttrs } =
table . createViewModel ( columns );
</ script >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs props ={ cell . props ()}>
< Table.Head { ... attrs} >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
{#each $ pageRows as row ( row . id )}
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ row . attrs ()} let: rowAttrs >
< Table.Row { ... rowAttrs} >
{#each row . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs >
< Table.Cell { ... attrs} >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Cell >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
Copy Render the table Finally, we'll render our table in our +page.svelte
routes/payments/+page.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import DataTable from "./data-table.svelte" ;
</ script >
< div class = "container mx-auto py-10" >
< DataTable />
</ div >
Copy Now that we have a basic table, let's format the amount
cell to display the dollar amount. We'll also align the cell to the right.
Update columns definition First, we'll update our columns definition for the amount
column to return a formatted string.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
Copy Update styles Now that we're returning a formatted string, let's now align the amount
header and cell to the right. We'll also capitalize our status
cell values.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs props ={ cell . props ()}>
< Table.Head { ... attrs} >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
{#each $ pageRows as row ( row . id )}
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ row . attrs ()} let: rowAttrs >
< Table.Row { ... rowAttrs} >
{#each row . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs >
< Table.Cell { ... attrs} >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right font-medium" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "status" }
< div class = "capitalize" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Cell >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
Copy You can use this approach to customize the styles of any cell in your table. In the following sections, we'll demonstrate how you can use a component to render a cell as well.
Row Actions Let's now add row actions to our table. We'll use a <DropdownMenu />
and <Button />
component for this.
Create actions component We'll start by creating a new component called data-table-actions.svelte
which will contain our actions menu. It's going to receive an id
prop, which we'll use to identify and perform specific actions on the row.
routes/payments/data-table-actions.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import MoreHorizontal from "lucide-svelte/icons/more-horizontal" ;
import * as DropdownMenu from "$lib/components/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
export let id : string ;
</ script >
< DropdownMenu.Root >
< DropdownMenu.Trigger asChild let: builder >
< Button
variant = "ghost"
builders ={[ builder ]}
size = "icon"
class = "relative h-8 w-8 p-0"
< span class = "sr-only" > Open menu </ span >
< MoreHorizontal class = "h-4 w-4" />
</ Button >
</ DropdownMenu.Trigger >
< DropdownMenu.Content >
< DropdownMenu.Group >
< DropdownMenu.Label > Actions </ DropdownMenu.Label >
< DropdownMenu.Item on: click ={() => navigator . clipboard . writeText ( id )}>
Copy payment ID
</ DropdownMenu.Item >
</ DropdownMenu.Group >
< DropdownMenu.Separator />
< DropdownMenu.Item > View customer </ DropdownMenu.Item >
< DropdownMenu.Item > View payment details </ DropdownMenu.Item >
</ DropdownMenu.Content >
</ DropdownMenu.Root >
Copy Update columns definition Now that we've defined our actions component, let's update our actions
column definition to use it.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ));
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
const { headerRows , pageRows , tableAttrs , tableBodyAttrs } =
table . createViewModel ( columns );
</ script >
Copy We're just passing the id
to our actions component, but you could pass whatever information you need to perform actions on the row. In this example, we could use the id
to make a DELETE request to our API to delete the payment.
Next, we'll add pagination to our table
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { addPagination } from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
page : addPagination (),
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
const { headerRows , pageRows , tableAttrs , tableBodyAttrs , pluginStates } =
table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage , pageIndex } = pluginStates . page ;
</ script >
Copy We can add pagination controls to our table using the <Button />
component and the hasNextPage
, hasPreviousPage
, and pageIndex
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
<!-- .... -->
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-4 py-4" >
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex - 1)}
disabled ={!$ hasPreviousPage }> Previous </ Button
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
disabled ={!$ hasNextPage }
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex + 1)}> Next </ Button
</ div >
</ div >
Copy See the pagination docs for more information on how to customize the pagination behavior.
Sorting Let's make the email column sortable.
Enable the addSortBy
plugin Let's enable the addSortBy
plugin and import the icon we'll use to indicate the sort option for the column.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import { addPagination , addSortBy } from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import ArrowUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/arrow-up-down" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
page : addPagination (),
sort : addSortBy (),
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
const { headerRows , pageRows , tableAttrs , tableBodyAttrs , pluginStates } =
table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage , pageIndex } = pluginStates . page ;
</ script >
Copy We can now update the email
header cell to add sorting controls.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe
attrs ={ cell . attrs ()}
let: attrs
props ={ cell . props ()}
let: props
< Table.Head { ... attrs} >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "email" }
< Button variant = "ghost" on: click ={ props . sort . toggle }>
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
< ArrowUpDown class ={ "ml-2 h-4 w-4" } />
</ Button >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
<!-- ... -->
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
Copy See the sort docs for more information on how to customize the sort behavior.
Filtering Let's add a search input to filter emails in our table.
Enable the addTableFilter
plugin We'll start by enabling the addTableFilter
plugin and importing the <Input />
component we'll use for the search input.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import {
addPagination ,
addSortBy ,
addTableFilter ,
} from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import ArrowUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/arrow-up-down" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
import { Input } from "$lib/components/ui/input" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
page : addPagination (),
sort : addSortBy (),
filter : addTableFilter ({
fn : ({ filterValue , value }) =>
value . toLowerCase (). includes ( filterValue . toLowerCase ()),
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
const { headerRows , pageRows , tableAttrs , tableBodyAttrs , pluginStates } =
table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { pageIndex , hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage } = pluginStates . page ;
const { filterValue } = pluginStates . filter ;
</ script >
Copy We're excluding all columns except for email
from the filter plugin, and we're using a case-insensitive filter function to match the email value.
Now that our table is configured to filter by email, let's add a search input on top of our table.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < div >
< div class = "flex items-center py-4" >
< Input
class = "max-w-sm"
placeholder = "Filter emails..."
type = "text"
bind: value ={$ filterValue }
</ div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root >
<!-- ... -->
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-4 py-4" >
<!-- ... -->
</ div >
</ div >
Copy Since filterValue
is a store, we can bind it to the input value and it will automatically update as the user types.
See the filter docs for more information on how to customize the filtering behavior.
Visibility Let's add the ability to control which columns are visible in our table.
Enable addHiddenColumns
plugin routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import {
addPagination ,
addSortBy ,
addTableFilter ,
addHiddenColumns ,
} from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import ArrowUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/arrow-up-down" ;
import ChevronDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/chevron-down" ;
import * as Table from "$lib/components/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button" ;
import { Input } from "$lib/components/ui/input" ;
import * as DropdownMenu from "$lib/components/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
page : addPagination (),
sort : addSortBy ({ disableMultiSort : true }),
filter : addTableFilter ({
fn : ({ filterValue , value }) => value . includes ( filterValue ),
hide : addHiddenColumns (),
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : "ID" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
const {
headerRows ,
pageRows ,
tableAttrs ,
tableBodyAttrs ,
pluginStates ,
flatColumns ,
} = table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { pageIndex , hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage } = pluginStates . page ;
const { filterValue } = pluginStates . filter ;
const { hiddenColumnIds } = pluginStates . hide ;
const ids = flatColumns . map (( col ) => col . id );
let hideForId = Object . fromEntries ( ids . map (( id ) => [ id , true]));
$ : $ hiddenColumnIds = Object . entries ( hideForId )
. filter (([, hide ]) => ! hide )
. map (([ id ]) => id );
const hidableCols = [ "status" , "email" , "amount" ];
</ script >
Copy Add column visibility controls We'll use the <DropdownMenu />
we imported in the previous step to render a menu of columns that can be hidden.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < div >
< div class = "flex items-center py-4" >
< Input
class = "max-w-sm"
placeholder = "Filter emails..."
type = "text"
bind: value ={$ filterValue }
< DropdownMenu.Root >
< DropdownMenu.Trigger asChild let: builder >
< Button variant = "outline" class = "ml-auto" builders ={[ builder ]}>
Columns < ChevronDown class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4" />
</ Button >
</ DropdownMenu.Trigger >
< DropdownMenu.Content >
{#each flatColumns as col }
{#if hidableCols . includes ( col . id )}
< DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem bind: checked ={ hideForId [ col . id ]}>
{ col . header }
</ DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem >
</ DropdownMenu.Content >
</ DropdownMenu.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root >
<!-- ... -->
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-4 py-4" >
<!-- .... -->
</ div >
</ div >
Copy Row Selection Next, we're going to add row selection to our table.
Create checkbox component We'll start by creating a new component called data-table-checkbox.svelte
which will be used to render a checkbox for each row.
routes/payments/data-table-checkbox.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import { Checkbox } from "$lib/components/ui/checkbox" ;
import type { Writable } from "svelte/store" ;
export let checked : Writable < boolean >;
</ script >
< Checkbox bind: checked ={$ checked } />
Copy Enable addSelectedRows
plugin Next, we'll enable the addSelectedRows
plugin and import the <Checkbox />
component we just created.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < script lang = "ts" >
import {
createTable ,
Render ,
Subscribe ,
createRender ,
} from "svelte-headless-table" ;
import {
addPagination ,
addSortBy ,
addTableFilter ,
addHiddenColumns ,
addSelectedRows ,
} from "svelte-headless-table/plugins" ;
import { readable } from "svelte/store" ;
import ArrowUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/arrow-up-down" ;
import ChevronDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/chevron-down" ;
import * as Table from "@/registry/new-york/ui/table" ;
import DataTableActions from "./data-table-actions.svelte" ;
import { Button } from "@/registry/new-york/ui/button" ;
import { Input } from "@/registry/new-york/ui/input" ;
import * as DropdownMenu from "@/registry/new-york/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
import DataTableCheckbox from "./data-table-checkbox.svelte" ;
type Payment = {
id : string ;
amount : number ;
status : "pending" | "processing" | "success" | "failed" ;
email : string ;
const data : Payment [] = [
id : "m5gr84i9" ,
amount : 316,
status : "success" ,
email : "ken99@yahoo.com" ,
// ...
const table = createTable ( readable ( data ), {
page : addPagination (),
sort : addSortBy ({ disableMultiSort : true }),
filter : addTableFilter ({
fn : ({ filterValue , value }) => value . includes ( filterValue ),
hide : addHiddenColumns (),
select : addSelectedRows (),
const columns = table . createColumns ([
table . column ({
accessor : "id" ,
header : ( _ , { pluginStates }) => {
const { allPageRowsSelected } = pluginStates . select ;
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : allPageRowsSelected ,
cell : ({ row }, { pluginStates }) => {
const { getRowState } = pluginStates . select ;
const { isSelected } = getRowState ( row );
return createRender ( DataTableCheckbox , {
checked : isSelected ,
plugins : {
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "status" ,
header : "Status" ,
plugins : {
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : "email" ,
header : "Email" ,
table . column ({
accessor : "amount" ,
header : "Amount" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
const formatted = new Intl . NumberFormat ( "en-US" , {
style : "currency" ,
currency : "USD" ,
}). format ( value );
return formatted ;
plugins : {
filter : {
exclude : true,
table . column ({
accessor : ({ id }) => id ,
header : "" ,
cell : ({ value }) => {
return createRender ( DataTableActions , { id : value });
plugins : {
sort : {
disable : true,
const {
headerRows ,
pageRows ,
tableAttrs ,
tableBodyAttrs ,
pluginStates ,
flatColumns ,
rows ,
} = table . createViewModel ( columns );
const { pageIndex , hasNextPage , hasPreviousPage } = pluginStates . page ;
const { filterValue } = pluginStates . filter ;
const { hiddenColumnIds } = pluginStates . hide ;
const { selectedDataIds } = pluginStates . select ;
const ids = flatColumns . map (( col ) => col . id );
let hideForId = Object . fromEntries ( ids . map (( id ) => [ id , true]));
$ : $ hiddenColumnIds = Object . entries ( hideForId )
. filter (([, hide ]) => ! hide )
. map (([ id ]) => id );
const hidableCols = [ "status" , "email" , "amount" ];
</ script >
Copy Update styles & show selected rows To accommodate the checkbox, we'll need to update our table styles. We'll also add a message to show how many rows are selected.
routes/payments/data-table.svelte < div >
< div class = "flex items-center py-4" >
< Input
class = "max-w-sm"
placeholder = "Filter emails..."
type = "text"
bind: value ={$ filterValue }
< DropdownMenu.Root >
< DropdownMenu.Trigger asChild let: builder >
< Button variant = "outline" class = "ml-auto" builders ={[ builder ]}>
Columns < ChevronDown class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4" />
</ Button >
</ DropdownMenu.Trigger >
< DropdownMenu.Content >
{#each flatColumns as col }
{#if hidableCols . includes ( col . id )}
< DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem bind: checked ={ hideForId [ col . id ]}>
{ col . header }
</ DropdownMenu.CheckboxItem >
</ DropdownMenu.Content >
</ DropdownMenu.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "rounded-md border" >
< Table.Root { ... $tableAttrs} >
< Table.Header >
{#each $ headerRows as headerRow }
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ headerRow . attrs ()}>
< Table.Row >
{#each headerRow . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe
attrs ={ cell . attrs ()}
let: attrs
props ={ cell . props ()}
let: props
< Table.Head { ... attrs} class = "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "email" }
< Button variant = "ghost" on: click ={ props . sort . toggle }>
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
< ArrowUpDown class ={ "ml-2 h-4 w-4" } />
</ Button >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Head >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Header >
< Table.Body { ... $tableBodyAttrs} >
{#each $ pageRows as row ( row . id )}
< Subscribe rowAttrs ={ row . attrs ()} let: rowAttrs >
< Table.Row
{ ... rowAttrs}
data-state ={$ selectedDataIds [ row . id ] && "selected" }
{#each row . cells as cell ( cell . id )}
< Subscribe attrs ={ cell . attrs ()} let: attrs >
< Table.Cell { ... attrs} class = "[&:has([role=checkbox])]:pl-3" >
{#if cell . id === "amount" }
< div class = "text-right font-medium" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
{:else if cell . id === "status" }
< div class = "capitalize" >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ div >
< Render of ={ cell . render ()} />
</ Table.Cell >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Row >
</ Subscribe >
</ Table.Body >
</ Table.Root >
</ div >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-end space-x-4 py-4" >
< div class = "flex-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground" >
{ Object . keys ($ selectedDataIds ). length } of { " " }
{$ rows . length } row(s) selected.
</ div >
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex - 1)}
disabled ={!$ hasPreviousPage }> Previous </ Button
< Button
variant = "outline"
size = "sm"
disabled ={!$ hasNextPage }
on: click ={() => ($ pageIndex = $ pageIndex + 1)}> Next </ Button
</ div >
</ div >
Copy See the selected row docs for more information on how to customize the selection behavior.